Trust HIM

Here goes…

I didn’t ‘kick start’ the year on a good note. I had received some disappointing news just a few days after the 1st of January; a few days after I had planned on focusing more on God this year and less on the things I wanted from Him. Receiving a rejection, yet again, was devastating, especially because I was almost certain it would happen for me. But God had shut the door. AGAIN. No explanation. Just another closed door. What a way to start the new year, right? 

At that point I decided to “check out”. I decided to just go with the flow and see what happens. I didn’t set any goals. Just wanted to wake up everyday and show up. And that was it. I couldn’t even pray. All I could utter was “kuyode kubenini Bawo?” which can be translated as: “Until when, Lord?” 

Anyways, I decided to join my church family and fast (as most Christians would at the beginning of each year) despite how I felt. I had my heart shut. But God slowly started softening it up day by day.

It was during this fast when God dropped the story of the walls of Jericho to me. (Please read the full chapter 6 from the book of Joshua when you have time). The Israelites had been wandering for 40 years and now Joshua was to lead them to the Promise Land (taking over Moses) and to pass through these thick, tall and impenetrable walls! It seemed impossible. Even God’s plan to conquer those walls seemed impossible and ridiculous. I mean he asked them to march around those walls every day for 7 days and blow trumpets 🎺? But they were obedient nonetheless and yes the walls came down and God’s promises came to fruition. 

Why am I sharing this? 

Well I don’t know what walls you are all marching around. Some of you may not even be marching around walls but may have been trapped INSIDE walls you’ve created. But one question we may all have in common is: WHEN ARE THESE WALLS CRUMBLING DOWN? Kuyode kubenini, Bawo?? 

Here are 5 things I learnt from Joshua chapter 6:

1. God wants us to follow him even when things seem impossible. Just TRUST him.
2. God is not random. He is purposeful. He always has a plan. Again, TRUST him.
3. Be patient and obedient. I’m sure marching around thick tall walls and blowing trumpets    was the last thing the Israelites wanted to do after wandering for a whole 40 years right? But they did it anyways. They implemented each and every meticulous plan God had communicated to Joshua. God had purpose. He knew what He was doing and they just needed to be obedient.
4. Listen to God. He is always speaking. He has a plan for each and every second of our lives. Take time to listen to Him and receive His plans for you.
5. What God promises will be fulfilled by Him.

If you are still waiting on God and trusting Him for some stuff, please just hold on a little longer. He keeps His promises. I know some of you have probably been praying the same prayers for years now and still, God has not delivered. I unfortunately don’t know why he hasn’t answered your prayers yet. But trust me, He will. His answer may not come the way you anticipate and/or when you anticipate it, but He will answer. He has a plan for you. A perfect plan just for you. Things may not be making any sense now, but He knows what He’s doing. Just TRUST him. And for some there seems to be no hope at all, not even a single brick 🧱 falling from those tall walls. Again, please hold on a little longer. Those bricks WILL come crumbling down one by one. 

Be blessed guys. God loves you! And he cares about you.



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