Let’s get outta this rut! Shall we?


It's that time of the year again where we all feel a bit sluggish, tired, uninterested and burnout? It's funny how I didn't realize why I always feel so unmotivated to workout between the months of August right up to December. Literally every year I struggle to get myself to workout during that period and I just didn't understand why. How was I able to wake up between 5 and 6am in winter and make it to the gym and yet when it's summer and a lot warmer I struggle to even get out of bed. Then it clicked; it's year-end fatigue. For some reason I never connected the two. 

So instead of just cruising through the last few months of the year, I've decided to challenge myself. I love a good health and wellness based challenge! It's almost as if I'm competing with myself, if that makes sense. Challenges also just help me adopt good and sustainable habits. And this year's challenge is the repeat of Project 50! I say repeat because I actually did the challenge last year but I didn't complete it, I almost did though💪. But I must say, It really helped me with being consistent with the habits I had adopted.


Project 50 is essentially a lifestyle challenge consisting of 7 rules that you need to follow daily for 50 days. These 7 rules have been adopted through observing highly performing people who all had these similar traits. The 7 most common traits are what formed the rules for the challenge. It is not quite clear who created the challenge but it gained traction on social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok. There's tons of videos out there if you need inspiration!

Here are the rules:

1. Wake up before 8am

2. Do a 1h morning routine without distractions (journal, read, skin-care routine, making up your bed, shower, have coffee etc.)

3. Exercise for 1h a day (walk, home workouts (been really enjoying them lately), go for a run, yoga etc.)

4. Read 10 pages a day (I'd recommend reading something lighthearted)

5. Dedicate 1h towards a new skill (choose something you think you'd enjoy)

6. Follow a healthy diet

7. Track your Project 50 progress (you can journal or use a notion template)

8. (bones rule): HAVE FUN!!!


- improves your mental and physical health

- helps with discipline and consistency

- helps with developing healthy habits

- helps with time management 

- improves your focus

- increases your creativity

- increases your confidence


I'm a firm believer in spicing things up and making them my own (just like I did with this challenge before and I'm planning on doing the same again!). lol trust me, I'm not being lazy but I always avoid pressurizing myself. I'll end up not enjoying the challenge and eventually just stop without completing it if I put pressure on myself unnecessarily. I honestly think the challenge can be adjusted to suite one's lifestyle, but remember to stick to the rules (even with your adjustments) for at least the full 50 days. For example, instead of spending a whole hour learning a new skill you can spend say 30 minutes? I read somewhere that in the event that you default in one rule, then you start all over again and go back to day 1. I'm not doing that. 

My personal goal for this summer is to be consistent with my workouts, adopt good eating habits and be consistent with my blogging (new skill). 

I really believe this challenge can be fun and can be done by anyone. It can literally transform your life if you stick to it for the full 50 days. Give it a try and let me know if you decide to partake!

Yours in health



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