Contentment This. Contentment That.

I've been thinking a lot about contentment lately. Particularly what it means or how/what it looks like for me. It all started when I realized how tired I was with trying to get to a certain level of "happiness" in my life which always seems so elusive. This stage just keeps getting further and further and it is just so hard and almost impossible to reach.

We are geared to want more. More money. More joy. More experiences. More of everything. And this yearning for more is precisely what makes us blind to the present and end up unfulfilled and miserable at times. We have this idea of how happy we would be if XYZ happened. What we don’t realize is that, whenever XYZ eventually happens, we seek another XYZ to chase after. See, there's ALWAYS something  bigger and better we’re chasing after. It’s a never-ending cycle. Maybe if we learnt to appreciate what we have in front of us we wouldn’t be so focused on the future or the next big goal. As important it is to have goals and to dream really big, I believe it is equally important to be present enough in our lives to realize the blessings in front of us.  

What is contentment?

Something I've discovered is that contentment is different from happiness. Happiness is fleeting. It's a feeling tied to the occurrence of an event. Contentment on the other hand is constant and can only be found through Jesus Christ.

Contentment is not denying your feelings about wanting and desiring what you can't have; contentment is freedom from being controlled by those feelings.

Contentment is not pretending things are okay when they aren't. Instead, contentment displays the peace that comes from knowing that God is bigger than any problems and that he works them all out for our good.

Contentment is not based on external circumstances but rather on an internal source. Contentment is of the heart and is found in a soul-satisfying relationship with God.

How to be content 

In Philippians 4:12-13 Apostle Paul says- 

    "I know both how to have a little, and I know how to have a lot. In any and all circumstances I have         learned the secrete of being content - whether well fed or hungry, whether in abundance or in need.     I am able to do all things through Him who strengthens me"

In these two verses we see that contentment is learned through Christ who gives us strength. It is through Him that we find contentment despite our circumstances.


One way I've learnt to be content is through surrendering everything to God. Contentment cannot exist without giving up control to the Almighty. God wants us to lay everything at His feet and ask Him to take full control over our lives.


God wants us to come before Him with all our pleas. He delights in us coming to Him with all our troubles and all our hearts' desires. So why not ask God to turn your heart towards Him. Ask Him to help you to be content with just Him and to renew your heart and be completely His Wildflower. 

Be present

Each day is a gift from God. Live each day to the fullest. Ask God what assignment He has for you for the present day. Focus less on tomorrow and its troubles. Do not miss what God is doing to you and through you TODAY.

Perhaps this is the time you re-evaluated your life and goals a little. I hope you are encouraged to approach God and ask Him to examine your heart. Be present enough to appreciate the blessings in front of you.

Be blessed.



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