Hello thirties

In about 5 months time I'll be turning 30. Yep. Three whole decades old! I don't know how to feel about it. I'm not scared of getting old or anything like that. The fear comes in when I think about where I'm at in life currently. I've done really well for myself (pats herself on the back), I must say. I've grown through life's experiences. I have found my identity in Christ and I have fallen in love with Jesus throughout the years I've had the privilege and honor of being in relationship with Him. My life just has so much meaning with Him. However, with all this knowledge of Him, and Him having left an impressive track record of all that He has done for me which should be enough for me to fully trust and rely on Him, I still find myself lost sometimes. I find myself searching for meaning and direction, particularly when it comes to my career. It's always as if I never "settle" in how I feel about my career. The feeling of being settled and passionate about it is fleeting. Despite this, I'm in a much better place than I was a couple of months back. I've realized that all that matters is that I approach everything I do as if I'm doing it for Jesus. I'm where I am today because of Him and all that I do needs to be a reflection of who He is, particularly in my life. This eases the burden a little. Just knowing that nothing really matters. What matters is that I'm obeying Him and reflecting His light wherever I go. That's the bigger and most important assignment, I think.

Enough with the deep intro! Let's circle back to the fact I am turning 30 years old! Man, how time flies! I am quite excited to see what my thirties will bring! My twenties were really about finding my identity, discovering who I am and just navigating my career. My late twenties were the most hectic! I went through a long season of confusion, hurt, unlearning, learning and just trusting God literally for everything. There seemed to be no direction at all. But He was directing me all along; still is. 

Here are 5 things I've learnt in my late twenties:

1. The importance of prayer.
I cannot emphasize enough how important prayer is.  I know this may sound like the typical thing that any Christian would say. But there is POWER in prayer! It has been my guiding lamp throughout these testing times. It has been my source of joy. My source of comfort. My sense of direction.

2. Not everyone thinks the way you do, and that's okay.
I learnt this the hard way. That's all I'm saying.

3. The importance of godly community and friendships.
I don't know how I would have gone through the challenges I have faced without my dear friends and sisters in Christ reminding me of God's promises whenever I was down and out. I will never forget how, sometimes, my prayers were just tears on my pillow. It is my friends that carried me through prayer; interceding on my behalf. Choose them wisely. Keep them close. And reciprocate. 
I also gained a few good friends, unexpectedly so. We come from different walks of life, raised differently and do not share the same beliefs and values. But these people have played such an important role in my life. They have made me laugh on days when I was carrying a heavy heart. They have made me feel appreciated and valued. They've seen me at my worst and yet they still chose to be beside me.

4. Guard your heart.
 Your heart is deceitful. (Jeremiah 17:9. “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked."). I've learnt to never rely solely on my heart because feelings are fleeting. Feelings are constantly changing and cannot be trusted. I take everything to God, literally everything, and ask him for guidance and discernment.  My heart always leads me astray but God always shows up and knocks some sense into me!

5. Protecting my space.
 My home is my sanctuary. That's where I sleep, pray, cry, eat, laugh. That's where I get to be me, without any mask. I cannot let anyone and everyone into this sacred space.

To my 6 year old self: You are phenomenal; a bold, secure and confident woman of God. You are doing so well and there's still so much more that the world needs to see from you. The world needs more people like you. It's okay to be unique, a misfit so to say. You do not have to fit in with the crowd; it's okay to stand out. You are valued and you will find your tribe. You will be appreciated. You will leave a mark on people's lives. Your laugh, your smile and your wit bring life to so many people. Your laugh alone fills empty rooms with love and joy.  Don't deem your light. 

To my thirties: Let's try this and that. Let's love and be loved. Let's fall stupidly in love! Let's be Christ-focused and not necessarily career-driven . Let's have more solo dates. Let's read more fictional books. Let's run more races. Let's smile more and laugh harder! Let's make beautiful memories. Let's care less about what people think. Let's give more. Let's take trips around the world; Let's spend a few minutes out in the sun each day; Let's watch the sunrise and appreciate more sunsets; Let's care a little less about the numbers on the scale and more about our health and general wellness. Let's put ourselves out there and meet new people. Let's spread love and kindness everywhere we go.

Warm hugs,


  1. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us and for always keeping it real with God and automatically with everyone you journey with throughout your days. You're doing great, keep it up, Doll. You are making a difference by allowing God to touch lives through you. God bless you.

    1. Thank you very much Nini. I appreciate this a lot. God bless.


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